how to get verified on X

How to Get Verified on X (formerly Twitter): Behind The Blue Checkmark

In recent years, the process of getting verified on X, formerly known as Twitter, has undergone significant changes. The coveted blue checkmark, once a symbol of notable accounts, has evolved with the introduction of X Blue. In this guide, we will provide an overview of the history of Twitter verification, explain how to get verified on X in 2023, and discuss whether pursuing verification is still worthwhile. 

A Quick History of Twitter Verification

Initially, the blue badge on a profile was X’s way of authenticating identity and voice. X allowed anyone to apply for verification, provided they could prove their identity and noteworthiness. However, some users mistakenly believed that the blue checkmark meant X’s endorsement, which was not the case.

In 2017, Twitter paused its verification program to reevaluate and improve it. The project was on hold until late 2020, when Twitter reopened discussions about account verification. In 2021, Twitter began accepting verification requests from users regardless of their follower count.

In late 2022, following Elon Musk’s acquisition of the platform, X made significant changes to its verification process. Under the new system, anyone can be verified on X by subscribing to X Blue and verifying their phone number. Initially, this change faced challenges, with some users impersonating public figures and influencers. However, Twitter has since addressed some of these issues, and the perception of the verification badge has evolved.

In 2023, X decided to remove verification for accounts that were previously verified through Twitter’s legacy program, making Twitter Blue the sole route to verification.

How to Get Verified on X in 2023

While X Blue has made verification accessible to anyone, there are still steps to follow to become a verified Twitter account:

  1. Subscribe to X Blue:
  • To get X Blue, log in to your account and click on the Twitter Blue button, which is located in the left-side menu on the web or under your profile on mobile.
  • Pricing for X Blue varies depending on several factors, as indicated by Twitter.
  • Ensure you have an active subscription.
  1. Complete Your Profile:
  • After subscribing to X Blue, ensure your profile is complete with a display name and profile photo.
  • Use your full name as your display name.
  • Select a clear profile image that confirms your account’s legitimate use.
  1. Stay Active:
  • X’s verification process considers account activity.
  • Ensure your account remains active by posting, replying, and engaging with content within the last 30 days.
  1. Account Age and Phone Number:
  • Accounts must be older than 90 days to be eligible for verification.
  • Verify your phone number on your X account, as this is a mandatory requirement for verification, even with X Blue.

Following these steps will enhance your chances of obtaining the coveted blue checkmark on your X account.

Is Verification Still Worth Pursuing?

The value of X verification has evolved over time. It is no longer solely associated with notable accounts but is now accessible to any X Blue subscriber who meets the criteria. Whether pursuing verification is worthwhile depends on your goals and how the perception of the blue checkmark aligns with your objectives on the platform.

In conclusion, getting verified on X in 2023 is achievable through an X Blue subscription and adhering to specific guidelines. While the blue checkmark’s significance has changed, it remains a symbol of authenticity on the platform. Consider your goals and the benefits of verification when deciding whether to pursue this coveted badge.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is the blue checkmark?

A: The blue checkmark is a symbol of authenticity and authority on X. It means that the account has been verified by X as being authentic and belonging to the real person or entity it represents.

Q: Who is eligible for the blue checkmark?

A: Starting April 1, 2023, only accounts that are actively subscribed to X Premium are eligible to receive the blue checkmark.

Q: How do I get the blue checkmark?

A: To get the blue checkmark, your account must meet the eligibility criteria listed above. Once your account meets the criteria, you can subscribe to X Premium and your account will be reviewed by X’s team. If your account is approved, you will receive the blue checkmark.

Q: What happens if I lose the blue checkmark?

A: If you lose the blue checkmark, you can reapply for it by meeting the eligibility criteria again. However, there is no guarantee that your application will be approved.

Q: Can I purchase the blue checkmark?

A: No, you cannot purchase the blue checkmark. It is only awarded to accounts that meet the eligibility criteria.

Q: What are the benefits of having the blue checkmark?

A: The blue checkmark has a number of benefits, including:

  • It helps to verify that your account is authentic and belongs to the real person or entity it represents.
  • It can help you to stand out from other users and make it easier for people to find you.
  • It can give you access to certain features that are only available to verified users.

Q: What are the risks of having the blue checkmark?

There are a few risks associated with having the blue checkmark, including:

  • It can make you a target for scammers and impersonators.
  • It can make you feel like you have to live up to a certain standard.
  • It can make you feel like you have to be careful about what you say or do online.