what is a verified X account

What Is a Verified X Account?

A verified X account, often identified by the coveted blue checkmark badge, signifies that the account’s authenticity has been confirmed by X itself. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of What is a verified X account, what they represent, and how they are awarded. 


Verified X accounts play a crucial role in ensuring that users on the platform can trust the identity of the account holder. This verification badge is a recognition of authenticity and notable status on X.

Understanding Verified X Accounts

A verified X account is typically associated with individuals, organizations, public figures, celebrities, brands, and entities of public interest. It serves as an indicator that the account:

  • Belongs to the legitimate person or entity: The blue checkmark badge confirms that the account is operated by the individual or organization it claims to represent.
  • Is of public interest: Verified accounts are often associated with individuals or entities that are notable or of public interest. This includes celebrities, government officials, journalists, and well-known brands.
  • Is not a parody or fake account: The verification badge helps users distinguish between genuine accounts and parody or impersonation accounts.

The History of X Verification

X introduced the verification program as a means to authenticate the identity of notable accounts. Over the years, the verification program has undergone several changes:

  • Open to all: Initially, the verification program was open to anyone who could prove their identity and noteworthiness.
  • Pause and revamp: X temporarily paused the verification program to refine its criteria and process.
  • Application-based: In a later phase, X allowed users to apply for verification, regardless of their follower count, provided they met certain criteria.
  • Subscription-based: In recent times, X introduced a subscription service called X Blue, which offers verification as one of its benefits. Users with X Blue subscriptions and verified phone numbers can now get verified on X.

How to Identify a Verified X Account

Identifying a verified X account is simple:

  • Look for the blue checkmark badge next to the account’s name on their profile.
  • The blue checkmark indicates that the account has been verified by X.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Who is eligible to apply for a verified X account?

A1: Initially, the verification program was open to anyone who could prove their identity and noteworthiness. However, the eligibility criteria have evolved over time. Currently, users with X Blue subscriptions and verified phone numbers are eligible for verification.

Q2: Can businesses and brands obtain verified X accounts, or is it limited to individuals and public figures?

A2: Verified X accounts are not limited to individuals and public figures. Businesses and well-known brands can also obtain verified status if they meet the necessary criteria for authenticity and noteworthiness.

Q3: How can I apply for a verified X account, and what information is required for the application?

A3: X has transitioned to a subscription-based verification system. Users with X Blue subscriptions and verified phone numbers can now request verification directly. Specific application requirements may vary, but generally, you will need to provide information to confirm your identity and authenticity.

Q4: Is the blue checkmark badge the only way to identify a verified X account?

A4: Yes, the blue checkmark badge is the primary visual indicator of a verified X account. When you see this badge next to an account’s name on their profile, it signifies that X has confirmed the authenticity of the account.

Q5: Can a verified X account lose its verification status?

A5: Yes, a verified X account can lose its verification status if it violates X’s policies or if the account’s authenticity comes into question. X may review and remove the blue checkmark badge in such cases.

Q6: Are there any fees associated with obtaining a verified X account through the X Blue subscription?

A6: While X Blue is a subscription service, the availability and cost of X Blue subscriptions may vary depending on your location and the specific terms offered by X. It’s advisable to check X’s official website or app for the most up-to-date information on subscription pricing.

Q7: How long does it typically take for X to verify an account after applying for verification through the X Blue subscription?

A7: The time it takes for X to verify an account may vary, and there is no fixed duration. It depends on various factors, including the volume of requests and the verification process. Users should refer to X’s official communication channels for updates on verification timelines.

Q8: Can I report a verified X account if I suspect it is violating X’s policies or guidelines?

A8: Yes, you can report any X account, including verified ones, if you believe they are violating X’s policies or guidelines. X takes user reports seriously and investigates potential violations.

Q9: Are there specific benefits or advantages to having a verified X account, aside from the blue checkmark badge?

A9: While the blue checkmark badge is a mark of authenticity and noteworthiness, the specific benefits of having a verified X account may vary. Users may experience increased visibility and credibility, but X may introduce additional features or advantages for verified users over time.

Q10: Can individuals or entities outside of the public eye or noteworthiness obtain verified X accounts?

A10: Verified X accounts are typically associated with individuals or entities of public interest, but eligibility criteria have evolved. With the introduction of the X Blue subscription, users who meet certain requirements, including verification of their phone numbers, can obtain verification, regardless of their follower count or public status.


In summary, a verified X account is a symbol of authenticity and noteworthiness on the platform. It signifies that X has confirmed the identity of the account holder and recognizes them as a notable individual, entity, or public figure. While the criteria for verification have evolved over time, the blue checkmark badge continues to be a mark of distinction on X.